2024 Seasonal Site Draw

2024 Seasonal Site Draw Night!

This year in an effort to improve the efficiency of the seasonal site draw, there will be two draw nights for seasonal sites.

Draw Night 1:

Will be for those who qualify for Full Membership (category 1) or Family Membership (category 2), this draw will take place on Thursday May 9th 2024.

Draw Night 2:

Will be for those who qualify for membership as an Associate Member (category 3) or Friend Membership (category 4), this draw will take place on Tuesday May 14th 2024.

Registration for both nights will begin at 6pm with the draw to start at 6:30 pm in Wood Hall. Accepted methods of payment are etransfer (preferred), cash or cheque.

As with last year, applications for Friend Memberships for those wishing to take part in the seasonal camp site draw must be submitted by May 1st 2024. Supporting documentation must be included regarding sponsor ie: (name, contact #, sponsors current FOLIC membership status).

Applications can be sent to Chris at longislandcamp@rogers.com